
Here are some of Emma’s hand knitted and crocheted garments. Click on a photo to zoom in on it for more detail.

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2015-05-02 19.01.312015-05-02 19.02.15b_114243b_114256r90_b_114307b_124844 b_192938 b_141404b_141904 b_140206 b_134101     b_145532  b_213436  x_112742 b_140045b_140115 b_105811b_100952b_105803 b_195934  b_195817x_095050  b_121257 b_050158b_050239 b_084809b_234621b_084040  b_084051b_163901b_163803b_220009b_220128b_220043b_001412b_001556b_143658b_143500b_132949b_125118 b_175317

2015-03-04 22.16.26

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Trendy hand made textiles bringing knitting back up to date.